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Nature reserve of outstanding beauty and a good variety of birds such as bielik.
This place of the River Trave is maybe the most beautiful part of the FFH Area "Traveförde". On a sunny day the green hills formed a long time ago by glaciers always remember me a bit of Ireland. As rather crowded on weekends you should try an early morning start on a weekday. Birdlife is good throughout the year. In winter it`s maybe one of the best places for bielik and łabędź krzykliwy. Breeding species are puchacz, gąsiorek and perkoz rdzawoszyi. Maybe the Huk itself is one of the best places in Lübeck to observe migrating species as they follow the Trave and cross the Huk. The gravel pits sometimes hold breeding sieweczka rzeczna. The area used to be the best spot for jarzębatka and there have been records in 2021 but its difficult to get that species.
There is the bus line 32 to the station "Hirtenbergweg" but then it`s still a rather long (but sometimes productive) walk. If you have a car use the public car park and don`t drive past the gate as some people do. You are allowed to do so if you are disabled.
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