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This approx. 40 ha area was renaturalized and placed under protection around the year 2000, and is now a breeding and resting place for numerous bird species.
The area consists of the Sauerstücksee lake, with its generous reed zones, in which wodnik (zwyczajny) , brzęczka , trzciniak , podróżniczek and also the bączek breed. In winter, wąsatka and also bąk are occasional guests. gąsiorek can be observed along the paths in summer. bocian biały can be seen regularly and are also breeding in the area. In the forest adjacent to the area muchołówka żałobna , muchołówka białoszyja and świstunka leśna can be heard in spring. From the observation tower in the south-west of the lake, you have a good view of the lake and the adjoining meadow.
The roundwalk is about 3,5 km, depending from where you start. You can park your car on the sides of the two streets that run along the west or east of the gravel plant, as they come off the Gochsheimer Landstraße, and walk from there. These are located on the map.
With public transport, one can take the Number 11 bus from Schweinfurt Hauptbahnhof to Grf. Hauptstraße stop, and walk approx. 25min from there to the lookout tower.
Be aware that after rain the paths can be a bit muddy.
Dogs must be kept on a leash. The marked paths may not be left.
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