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Lake complex that consists of 4 fish ponds in the forest with bog areas and a śmieszka colony.
The Rußweiher fishponds complex consists of 4 lakes. The Große Rußweiher pond is home to a large colony of śmieszka and breeding pairs of zausznik. On the large open water surfaces hełmiatka, głowienka and czernica are common. At the smaller pond Rußlohweiher to the north, in addition to various ducks, there is a breeding ground for the błotniak stawowy. A rybołów breeds at the pond Häusleweiher. Large numbers of łabędź niemy, bernikla kanadyjska and gęsiówka egipska can often be found here. The pond Paulusweiher has completely silted up to form a low moor and is overgrown with reeds. Here gąsiorek, kszyk and wąsatka can be observed.
Getting there by train and bus is possible, but the frequency is bad. The best way is to come by car via the B470. A parking lot for hikers is located to the left after Großkotzenreuth, and another parking lot directly at the large Rußweiher pond. Click on a P in the map to get directions to the parking place of your choice. Access by bike is possible, but not all paths are open to bikes.
The Russweiher is a protected area. You are not allowed to leave the paths may. This is also not necessary, as there are observation platforms at all interesting points.
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