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In the Diepholz district water logged mires, typical for the landscape in former times are now one of the best places to see żuraw in Germany.
The nature reserve Rehdener Geestmoor is an open raised bog in the Diepholz district in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen). It is a representative raised bog for the Diepholz bog lowlands. The area is 1762 hectares. It is one the the most famous żuraw resting places in North-Western Germany. Up to 80.000 cranes rest here and fly in at dusk.
You can come by car and have a stunning view form the observation Tower.
In the area of Diepholz there are several locations where żuraw roost. The birds use this area as a stop over on their way from the breeding grounds in northern Europe to their wintering grounds in France and Spain. Up to 83,000 birds visit the area for fattening up on leftovers of corn agriculture, arable weeds, acorns and small rodents to get enough energy to fly to Lac du Der in France or the cork oak woodlands in Spain.
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