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Old fishponds with extensive fishery. Important stop-over site for waders in inland Germany.
The Reckahn Fishponds – built end of 19th century – are now in extensive use and offer nice and close observations of waterbirds, birds of the reeds, ducks and waders. The area has 11 ponds of which ponds 1, 2, 3, 5 and 11 are best for birdwatching (see map for numbering). There are several observation platforms around the ponds. But be aware: these are only elevated park benches and offer neither disguise nor shade.
Breeding birds are amongst others perkoz dwuczuby, perkozek, zausznik (rare), perkoz rdzawoszyi, krakwa, gągoł, wodnik (zwyczajny), kropiatka (rare), błotniak stawowy, zimorodek, trzciniak and pliszka górska.
The best time for waders is summer and late summer. Waders are mainly found on pond 2 (see map). If you plan only a short visit for waders, then visit this pond. Main species are czajka, łęczak and kszyk (good views). Rarities in the past included biegus ostrosterny, biegus arktyczny, czajka towarzyska, biegus płaskodzioby, brodziec pławny and czapla modronosa.
During the time when adults need to feed their offspring, rybołów, bielik and bocian czarny can be seen visiting the ponds. The mud flats are also used by żuraw as a roosting place, so please avoid disturbances in the evening and at night. A good place for seeing wodnik (zwyczajny) or kropiatka is pond 3.
You can get there by car, bus or bicycle. Parking for cars is possible at pond 2 (see P on the map). Around the fishponds it is best to walk.
If you want to get there with public transport, take the train to Brandenburg Hbf. From there a bus operates to Reckahn, albeit irregularly.
You are welcome to visit the Reckahn Manor House (owner of the fish ponds) with the Rochow-Museum, a museum around a pedagogue of the 18th century, and a manor park. They are situated north of the ponds (see map). The manor park and village Reckahn can be good for zniczek, kulczyk and sierpówka. bocian biały nests are found in nearly every village.
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