
Oldensworter Vorland

Schleswig-Holstein  >  Germany

Marshes of the river Eider with large shallow water areas. Great for waders, ducks and geese.

Dodane* przez pbateman
Ostatnia aktualizacja 5 listopada 2024
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The Oldensworter Vorland is a nature reserve between dyke and the river Eider. Before the Eider Barrage was built the area was regularly flooded with brackish water from the river and the North Sea. Now only the low-lying areas are regularly flooded. Because of restoration efforts the area is still rich of shallow water areas.

From the dyke you have a good view on the meadows and water ponds where birds like czajka, krwawodziób and ostrygojad are breeding in spring and summer. The rarest breeding bird is the rybitwa czarna. A few pairs breed on artificial islands in the ponds.

The best time for observation is April and May. Then not only the breeding birds are visible but also migrating birds can be found on the shallow waters and mudflats. The area is especially good for waders and ducks like batalion, łęczak, kwokacz, cyraneczka, Płaskonos, świstun and many more. In spring and autumn this area is very good for looking very closley on the flocks of waders and ducks. Rare species like biegus płowy, swistun amerykanski, biegus arktyczny, brodziec żółtonogi and żwirowiec łąkowy have already been observed in this area.

In autumn and winter the fields behind the dyke as well as the meadows of the area are good for observing bernikla białolica.



The Oldensworter Vorland is located northeast of the town of Tönning. The best places to observe birds are in the northern part of the area. The best way to go there is by bike. Another option is to do a longer walk from the nearby town of Tönning, where a train station is located. Note that the path through the nature reserve is closed for visitors, so the best (and only) way to experience the area is from the top of the dyke. From up there you have a good overlook over the meadows in front of the dyke.

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