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Nature reserve in the town of Reinfeld around ancient fish ponds.
The ponds of Herrenteich were created in the 12th century by Cistercian monks by damming the Heilsau and used for fish farming. The northern part of the area, Obere Herrenteich, nowadays is a protected nature reserve. The banks of the Herrenteich are characterized by extensive siltation zones with reedbeds, wet meadows and willow marsh. This is bordered by grassland areas and forest areas.
The water areas of the Obere Herrenteich are largely occupied by lilies. In the reed zones you can spot or hear rokitniczka, trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), potrzos, błotniak stawowy, wodnik (zwyczajny) and kropiatka. Over the course of the year, on the pond's water surfaces you can observe cyraneczka, krakwa, głowienka, gągoł and also sometimes less common birds as warzęcha and rożeniec. Other birds that visit the area are bielik, rybołów, zimorodek and in winter łabędź krzykliwy and nurogęś. There is a breeding colony of czapla siwa on the banks of the Herrenteich.
The Obere Herrenteich nature reserve lies between Reinfeld and Heidekamp. The nature reserve is not accessible and can only be overseen from a few places, the best place being the Fischhuser Damm hiking trail (which is part of the approximately four kilometer long nature discovery trail that runs around the southern Herrenteich pond). You can park close to the beginning of the trail. Click on the P in the map for directions.
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