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A small lake within the suburb of Thekla in Leipzig.
While plenty of people use Naturbad Nordost for bathing, especially in Spring, you can find several bird species here at the lake (this circular path could be rated "C"). If you have enough time, it is recommended to also explore the area along the Parthe stream southward (in combination rated "B").
Overall, you can find a range of bird species such as zimorodek , oknówka , kulczyk , trzciniak , krogulec and świerszczak.
Naturbad Nordost is located northeast of the city center of Leipzig. You can find a parking lot at the P marker if coming by car. Coming by public transport, you can take the bus via Lidicestraße or the train (S-Bahn) via Leipzig-Thekla. The circular walk around the lake and along the Parthe stream is about 2,5 km.
On a side note: the adjoining Kiebitzstraße (translated to czajka street) may offer hints at what kind of birds used to be around this area (there are no other bird-related street names nearby!).
IMPORTANT NOTE: this is a bathing lake! If using binoculars and a spotting scope, try not to be creepy ;)
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