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The Lower Oder Valley National Park is a unique breeding, resting and wintering area for birds of international importance.
The Lower Oder Valley National Park is a large-scale protected area in Brandenburg. As one of the last near-natural riverine landscapes in Germany, it is a breeding, resting and wintering area for birds of international importance. More than 145 species of birds breed in the national park. In spring and autumn you can observe the migration of thousands of geese, ducks and żuraw. The national park, established in 1995, is part of the European ecological network Natura 2000 and a Special Protection Area (SPA). Due to its size (more than 100.000 ha), two to three days should be planned for exploration. The region is accessible on foot or by bicycle, unless parts of it are flooded.
A good starting point is the visitor center /National Park House in Criewen. It has a parking place. Click on the P in the map for directions. Other places to start from are Stützkow, Schwedt and Gartz.
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