
Leinepolder Salzderhelden

Niedersachsen  >  Germany

Leinepolder Salzderhalden is the largest (wet) greenland complex in southern Lower Saxony with a breeding population of derkacz.

Dodane* przez Volker Hesse
Ostatnia aktualizacja 30 grudnia 2020


Leinepolder Salzderhalden (> 500ha) consists of a mixture of wet meadows, reedbeds scattered with bushes and trees. In winter and spring the area can get flooded resulting in a lage shallow lake attractive to waterfowl and migrating waders. March and April are best with large flocks of świstun, Płaskonos and cyraneczka among other waterfowl. Large flocks of czajka often contain small numbers of siewka złota . żuraw usually is present, with single birds still around in May. Migration of waders in March - May can be interesting. Regular visitors are batalion , kwokacz , krwawodziób (in small numbers), samotnik , łęczak and brodziec śniady but several rarities such as biegus płaskodzioby , czajka towarzyska or żwirowiec łąkowy have paid this site a visit.

Breeding birds are for example podróżniczek , rokitniczka , świerszczak or brzęczka. All European Rails and Crakes have used the area for breeding, though only wodnik (zwyczajny) and derkacz turn up yearly.

Autumn migration usually is quieter due to the lack of water.

In winter, large flocks of Geese (usually gęgawa , gęś tundrowa , gęś białoczelna ) are around. Here, the chances are best for finding myszołów włochaty , that occasionally stay a few days or weeks.



The area can be reached by car via A7. Exit "Northeim Nord", drive towards Einbeck and turn left after 600m. At the end of the road turn right towards Einbeck and then right onto L 572 again at the next crossing. Drive through Stöckheim and Drüber.

Teren i siedlisko

Tereny podmokłe , Trzcinowiska , Łąka


Płaski , Otwarty krajobraz

Trasa dookoła


Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?


Udany sezon obserwacyjny

Przez cały rok

Najlepszy czas na wizytę

Wiosna , Zima , Lato


Droga nieutwardzona

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Rower , Pieszo , Samochód

Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna


Dodatkowe informacje

The area can be crowded with birds or deserted. The abundence of birds is highly influenced of the water levels. Periods with lots of precipitation are required to create the high water situations that are necessary to flood the area. Therefore spring usually offers best conditions.


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