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An old forest with some steep slopes where wild cats and swines still thrive. A great spot to go birding for a few days and to find some great boreal species.
The Kellerwald National Park is easily accessible by cars from the outside but you can't drive through it. A bike is the best way to explore the forest and some great species like dzięcioł zielonosiwy and bocian czarny can be found. It really gets amazing when combining this with a evening/nightdrive where puszczyk zwyczajny, puchacz and even włochatka and sóweczka can be relatively easy to find on the right spot. It is recommended to do a location scout first to find the perfect spots for the species. In this way you can be at the right time for every species at the right spot.
Most of the car parkings (but not all) are on the north side of the park These parkings are mainly used by people that are visiting the lake. But most parkings are also connected to the trails. The longer trail that starts at the NP visitor center is a good place to start searching for włochatka. There is also the option to bike thru the park. It would be wise to go for a mountainbike for most of the bikepaths since most of them are non-paved. In total there are 20 circular hiking trails from 13 hiking parking spaces. On the map you see the 5,5 km Hagenstein-trail that starts at the visitor center.
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