

Eastern Frisia  >  Germany

The island of Juist has a mosaic of habitats. The short distances makes for spectacular birding all year round. Excellent winter birding, too.

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Ostatnia aktualizacja 2 lutego 2023


Often overlooked, the lovable little island of Juist is a heaven for birdwatchers. It is easy to travel on foot or by bicycle and a variety of different habitats are nested in a small space. Mudflats, salt marshes, meadows, reedbeds, sandy beaches and a shallow fresh water lake alternate with woodland and rural habitats. Expect the unexpected!

Charismatic breedig birds include warzęcha, uszatka błotna, błotniak zbożowy and sieweczka obrożna. Regular winter visitors include bielaczek, markaczka and śnieguła. In winter, watch the spectacle of tens of thousands of waders roosting during high tide including siewnica, siewka złota, kulik wielki, krwawodziób, piaskowiec, biegus zmienny, szlamnik, biegus rdzawy. Hundreds of ducks flock on the small fresh water lake and are really easy to observe from November through February include głowienka, czernica, cyraneczka, Płaskonos, gągoł, ohar, świstun and rożeniec.



Park at the "Inselparker" spots or take the train to Norddeich Mole and take a ferry, express ferry or a short flight to the island of Juist. On the island rent a bicycle from the many bike rentals to get around. Check the ferry/flight schedules regularly, as they change seasonally and due to weather conditions cancellations can happen especially in winter.

Teren i siedlisko

Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Morze , Wydmy , Trzcinowiska , Błota , Plaża , Jezioro , Tereny podmokłe


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