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Great location for winter birding and during migration. Best spot for biegus morski.
Heidkate Strand is at its best during the winter and spring. Large groups of diving ducks such as edredon , markaczka and lodówka are feeding and resting off the beach. While biegus morski can be found in suprisilngly large numbers moving between the breakwaters. biegus zmienny, piaskowiec, świergotek nadmorski and siwerniak can be found on the beach and the breakwaters, too. Gulls and other waterfowl can be seen in this areas as well. nur czarnoszyi and nur rdzawoszyi can be seen offshore.
A lot of passerines are moving along this part of the coast during spring migration. Some of them rest in the bushes and small woodlands behind the dunes.
To get a good look at the birds on the beach and the breakwaters an early visit before most beach visitors and their dogs have arrived is recommended.
Difficult to reach with public transport. Several parking lots around, cost a parking fee during the summer months.
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