
Hagenburger Kanal und Angelteiche

Schaumburg  >  Germany

A small canal that leads to the Steinhuder Meer, a big lake with many different birds. Around the canal are also many little ponds.

Dodane* przez Paul k
Ostatnia aktualizacja 6 czerwca 2024


At the Hagenburger canal you can see many ducks in winter and autumn. Especially at the point where the canal floats into the Steinhuder Meer. Among the ducks you can expect are krakwa, Płaskonos, świstun, krzyżówka, rożeniec, głowienka, podgorzałka and czernica. In spring you can find warblers like brzęczka, strumieniówka, trzciniak, łozówka and trzcinniczek (zwyczajny). And this is also one of the best spots for zimorodek. You can find many songbirds like czyż, śpiewak, muchołówka żałobna, podróżniczek and potrzos.

At the mouth of the canal you can find especially in May some other waterbirds like rybitwa czarna, rybitwa rzeczna and with some luck rarities like rybitwa czubata ,rybitwa wielkodzioba or rybitwa białowąsa.



From the city of Hagenburg you can drive by car or bike along the Luerßendamm which leads along the ponds. There are two parking spots. Click on a P in the map for directions.

From the little restaurant Moorgarten where you can also eat or drink something, you can walk along the Hagenburger canal and maybe spot zimorodek or in winter some nurogęś. At the second parking spot you can also have some luck with dzięcioł duży, dzięcioł średni, dzięciołek, dzięcioł zielony and dzięcioł czarny.

Teren i siedlisko

Las , Tereny podmokłe , Staw , Jezioro , Łąka



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