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This big lake is part of the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve. From the observation tower you have a great view over the area.
In Althüttendorf, the observation tower at the Grimnitzsee offers a view over the 780 hectare lake. With some luck you can see perkoz rdzawoszyi, rybołów or bielik. Many other interesting birds can be seen in every season. In winter birds like łabędź krzykliwy, markaczka, gągoł, bielaczek and nurogęś can be seen. The lake also offers good living conditions for beavers and otters.
You can park near the observation tower in Althüttendorf. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
The Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve north-east of Berlin features a cultural landscape with about 240 lakes, thousands of moors and extensive meadows and fields. The biosphere reserve was created in 1990 and is one of the largest protected areas in Germany with 129,161 hectare (ca. 319,156 acres). It is a paradise for hikers. Extensive and interconnected circular walks lead through forests, past lakes and moors. The quiet, sparsely populated countryside provides a habitat for many animal and plant species that are threatened by extinction. The near-natural forests are breeding grounds for white-tailed eagles, ospreys, lesser spotted eagles, cranes and black storks. Beavers and Eurasian otters can be found throughout the entire reserve.
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