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Nature Reserve of 286 hectare located on the border of Germany and The Netherlands. A birdrich valley with peat bogs, forest and heather areas.
The 286 hectare Elmpter Schwalmbruch nature conservation area has a 65 ha peat bog. It is the only remnant of the former widely scattered peat bogs in the valley of the Swalm. Birds such as podróżniczek, kszyk and wodnik (zwyczajny) breed here. The largest juniper shrub in the Lower Rhine is located on the transition to the much drier high terrace. Within the drier heather there are the breeding grounds of kląskawka, lelek, świergotek łąkowy and lerka. Elmpter Schwalmbruch is also one of the richest and most important areas for amphibians and dragonflies along the Dutch-German border.
A number of marked walking routes run through the Elmpter Schwalmbruch. These start from the parking lot Kamerichshof along the main road road between Swalmen (NL) and Brüggen (D). Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking lot. The marked walking routes take about 2 hours. Halfway along the longest route you come along a watchtower from where you have a beautiful view over the area. You can also follow the suggested 13 km long circular route on the map below.
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