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This former airfield is breeding ground for some typical open land species and can be easily circumnavigated on foot or by bike.
With its width the area offers an impressive contrast to the city landscape of Berlin. The nature reserve and its surroundings hold a good population of białorzytka. In recent years also some pairs of skowronek, cierniówka and makolągwa were recorded. The increasing settlement pressure has probably led to the disappearance of potrzeszcz and gąsiorek as breeding birds but there are still regular records. Around the area of the campus to the south, there were still isolated territories of dzierlatka (zwyczajna) and even świergotek polny in recent years.
The area can be circumnavigated in about one hour on an paved and elevated circular trail. There are parking spaces at various locations and the S-Bahn station Adlershof is within walking distance (about 20 minutes).
You should allow some time to stroll around the southern campus of the Humboldt University. Architecturally, the area around the Aerodynamic Park is particularly worth a visit; ornithologically, the ever decreasing open spaces are of particular interest. Keep an eye (and ear) open for dzierlatka (zwyczajna), świergotek polny, dzięcioł zielony, słowik rdzawy or cierniówka.
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