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Second biggest Lake in North-western Germany surrounded by wet meadow habitats, reedbeds.
The lake "Dümmer" is a 16 km² big lake and is with a average depth of 1,5 m very shallow. This makes the lake itself a very good habitat for all kinds of resting waterfowl, with thousands of geese and ducks. On areas of waterlilies rybitwa czarna can breed. The reedbeds around the lake are breeding habitat for e.g. błotniak stawowy, bąk and brzęczka and following willow shrubs for podróżniczek and słowik rdzawy. After the last Ice Age the lake was much bigger, but mires grew around it and provide beautiful meadows today. They inhabit one of the last big populations of breeding rycyk, kszyk, kulik wielki, derkacz and czajka, by a very well water management on meadows. About one of the last breeding pairs of batalion in Germany is speculated here nearly every year.
As the area is really big, there are several options. The best options is given by the brochure "Vögel beobachten im Naturpark Dümmer" (english: "Birdwatching in Nature park Dümmer") you can download the detailed (German) pdf with maps and routes at the Website of the "Naturrschutzring Dümmer". See the links below.
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