
Der Spieß - An der Spießbrücke

Rheinland Pfalz  >  Germany

The former arm of the old Rhine has been renatured. It is characterized by reed beds, open water areas and wet meadows.

Dodane* przez Sebastian Lobitz
Ostatnia aktualizacja 7 maja 2023


The Spieß nature reserve has many biotopes in a relatively small area. It is easy to reach and you can walk along a beautiful path with a lookout tower and observation hide. The nature reserve is home to a large number of specially and strictly protected animal species. Bird species associated with reeds such as błotniak stawowy, podróżniczek, trzciniak and rokitniczka prove the high value of the area. Duck and heron species such as cyranka, cyraneczka, krakwa and czapla biała, czapla nadobna and, as in 2015, czapla purpurowa can be found on the open water surfaces and their transition zones to the reed beds. These biotopes serve as breeding and resting places for many rare bird species. A total of around 250 bird species have already been recorded in the protected area.



The area is easy to get to. By car via the B9, which runs directly past. Click on the P in the map for directions. By train to Osthofen station and then a 30 minutes walk to the nature reserve. The nature reserve is only accessible on foot. There are places where you have to cross very narrow bridges and possibly flooded places.

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