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The Breitenauer See is a lake with high, scattered trees, many bushes and a little bit reed next to the shore. It is good for waterbirds in winter.
Around the lake, there is a circular trail. An IMPORTANT information is, that the Breitenauer See is only in winter a interesting birdingplace, so all informations are for birding in the winter. At the beginning of the trail you should look and hear for finches at the trees. You can watch different species of them, for example czyż, gil, grubodziób, dzwoniec, zięba, jer, szczygieł and maybe makolągwa. But other passerines you can see as well. At the lake you will probably see łabędź niemy, gęgawa, gęsiówka egipska, krzyżówka, krakwa, cyraneczka, głowienka, czernica, perkoz dwuczuby, perkozek, kormoran, czapla siwa, kokoszka (zwyczajna). If you have a little bit luck you can see świstun, ogorzałka, gągoł, nurogęś. In some years a diver or a seaduck can be observed, but they are rare exceptions.
If you drive on the Street 39 you should take street to the wide part of the lake and park on the parking-place P2. It is for free. When you go the path down to the lake it is good to look in the little bay at right. After that it is better to walk on the left path. When the see is from your point in the East you should discover some woodstages, which are a few meters in the water from the shore. From this stages you have a good view at the lake. The last and the first part of the trail is interesting for passerines. if you count ALL birds, you need approximately three hours.
The circular trail is about 4,5 km
The best birding time is in the morning.
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