
Braunschweiger Rieselfelder

Niedersachsen  >  Germany

A wastewater treatment area with sewage fields. This pond landscape of 300 hectares attracts large numbers of birds.

Dodane* przez Hans Verdaat
Ostatnia aktualizacja 14 lipca 2024


Braunschweiger Rieselfelder is a well-known bird area, especially in the spring and autumn migration. More than 300 different bird species have been recorded in the area. The adjacent waste disposal also attracts many gulls, storks and birds of prey. Best time for birding is in April and the first part of May. Among the birds you can encounter in the area are bocian biały, kania ruda, batalion, kwokacz, brodziec śniady, mewa białogłowa, ostrygojad, rokitniczka, trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), trzciniak and zimorodek.



The Braunschweiger Rieselfelder are located on the outskirts of the city of Braunschweig. You can reach the area via the B 214 (motorway exit 53 Watenbüttel from the An in the direction of Braunschweig or from Braunschweig via the A 392 heading north onto the B 214). There is a car park at the entrance to the Rieselfelder (between the motorway exit and Watenbüttel). Click on a P in the map to get directions.

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