
Bird Observation Tower Wussegk

Brandenburg  >  Germany

Bird observation tower in the Innerer Spreewald nature reserve where you have a good chance to see żuraw.

Dodane* przez Lukas Weber
Ostatnia aktualizacja 19 czerwca 2022
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The Innerer Spreewald nature reserve has many wet meadows and shallow water areas. With a bit of luck, żuraw can be observed during the breeding season and when rearing the young (from March to June) as well as in autumn when resting. The observation tower is located directly on the Buchenhain nature trail, which leads through one of the most species-rich mixed forest areas in Brandenburg. The forest is a habitat for dzięcioł średni, muchołówka mała and wilga (zwyczajna). Various waders and waterfowl live in the wet meadows and shallow water areas. bocian czarny, bocian biały and bielik are observed regularly as well as many geese, ducks and meadow birds.



The tower is located not far from the dam in the stream Zerniasfliess. From the Buchenhain car park on the western outskirts of Schlepzig, follow the nature trail for about 300 m. You can also follow the complete Buchenhain nature trail of 4 km, which is indicated on the map

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