
Alter Flugplatz

Baden-Württemberg  >  Germany

A former US army airfield that is now a unique urban nature reserve of dry heath and sand grassland.

Dodane* przez Sam S.
Ostatnia aktualizacja 21 listopada 2022


The history of the Alter Flugplatz and its unique habitat make it an interesting place to go birding. The look and feel of the place is quite unusual: a long, open expanse of dry heath and sand grassland with an urban backdrop. The most obvious birds here are members of the Corvid family: the otherwise dominant czarnowron is trumped here by good numbers of gawron, kawka and sroka. There is usually a hovering pustułka (zwyczajna) or soaring myszołów to be found, too.

In spring and early summer the scattered bushes and trees of the site are a good place to hear and see pleszka, cierniówka, piegża and piecuszek. With a bit of luck, gąsiorek can also be seen. During spring migration, the site is well worth a visit. it is possible to see groups of pliszka żółta (especially in the northern part), as well as the odd pokląskwa, kląskawka, drozd obrożny or białorzytka. With luck and patience, świergotek polny can also be seen here. They are rare but regular stopover visitors at this site.



The Alter Flugplatz is best accessed on foot or by bike. There are tram stops and car parks that are a short walk away. There is a good network of paths throughout the site (Please stick to the paths to avoid disturbance).

Teren i siedlisko

Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Wrzosowisko , Wydmy


Płaski , Suchy , Otwarty krajobraz , Brak cienia

Trasa dookoła


Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?

Może być przydatna

Udany sezon obserwacyjny

Wiosna , Jesień

Najlepszy czas na wizytę

Wiosenne migracje , Jesienne migracje , Wiosna


Szeroka ścieżka

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Rower

Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna


Dodatkowe informacje

The northern part of the area is completely fenced off and therefore offers birds the minimum level of disturbance. A small herd of donkeys graze here. This part of the site is the best place to search for pliszka żółta, białorzytka, pokląskwa and świergotek polny.


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