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Reserve that was established to preserve the unique Ispani mires and surrounding wetland ecosystems.
Kobuleti Managed Reserve is a protected area close to the Black Sea coast. The reserve is located on left and right banks of Shavi Ghele (black creek) river and has unique Ispani mires (sphagnum peatlands). In some places the bog in the area is composed of a single peat layer with thickness from 5 m up to 9 m. The reserve is an important habitat for migratory, nesting and wintering waterfowl species. Good area to spot gąsiorek, pokląskwa, pleszka, kląskawka, dudek and czapla nadobna. Also a chance on dzierzba czarnoczelna, kląskawka syberyjska, czapla purpurowa and different species of harriers and wheatears.
Kobuleti Managed Reserve is just inland of the Black Sea coast, 30 km north of Batumi. The reserve is located in the northern part of the town Kobuleti. Press P on the map for directions. You can explore the area by walking the paths and wooden boardwalks that run through the area. A circular walk is about 2 km.
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