
Villebois les Pins Shrike Road

Hautes-Alpes  >  France

The road from Orpierre to Villebois les Pins is not only very picturesque, it's also rich in birds. And the amount of gąsiorek is astonishing.

Dodane* przez Thierry Martin
Ostatnia aktualizacja 24 października 2023


The road from Orpierre to Villebois les Pins is perfect for relaxed bird watching. The road has almost no traffic and passes through different types of habitats. A part runs along a small enclosed stream where the treetops are at eye level. A part runs through small-scale agricultural landscape with hay fields. Some parts run through forest and the most beautiful part through a small canyon. This means that you can see different types of bird species. You can see many gąsiorek on the electric wires along the hay fields. Dozens of them! In the quiet bird months of July and August, they are very visible when they are sitting in the top of bushes with their young.

Also spectacular is the small canyon where gadożer can be seen perched on the top of the protruding rock pillars. You can also see góropatwa czerwona crossing the street on the bottom of the canyon in the early morning. The open agricultural area also has a lot of cierlik and dzięcioł zielony. But many more birds can be seen, see the extended list below.



The best way to explore the road is by bike. But of course you can also walk. From Orpierre the road gradually ascends towards Villebois les Pins. The route you see on the map is 5 km, this is the most interesting part, but you can go on to Villebois les Pins, the road remains very attractive also after the small canyon.

When you explore the road by car, you can park almost anywhere. Only in the small canyon it can be difficult to find a parking spot.

Teren i siedlisko

Las , Góry , Kanion/klif , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Dolina , Rzeka


Pagórkowaty , Skalisty , Otwarty krajobraz

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Udany sezon obserwacyjny

Wiosna , Jesień , Lato

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Droga utwardzona

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Rower , Samochód , Wózek inwalidzki

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