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Well preserved forest reserve of 138 hectares with a high biodiversity bordered by a rocky mountain ridge.
The primary forest of Sainte-Baume is well preserved and is located at the foot of the massif of Sainte Baume. This ancient forest is dominated by veteran beech trees and other remarkable tree varieties. It benefits from a micro-climate conducive to the development of an exceptional beech forest in the Mediterranean region. You can explore the forest and also visit Sainte-Marie-Madeleine’s Grotto. This natural cave dug by erosion is a very old place of pilgrimage: Saint Mary Magdalene would have lived there thirty years of her life. Among the birds you can see in the area are dzięcioł duży, dzięcioł czarny, jerzyk alpejski, jaskólka skalna, kulczyk, ortolan, cierlik, głuszek, pokrzewka wasata, pokrzewka kasztanowata, nagórnik, modrak, kruk and gadożer.
Français: Au cœur de la forêt-relique de la Sainte-Baume, partez à la découverte d’un écosystème préservé qui s’avère être un véritable refuge de biodiversité. Dans cette forêt pas comme les autres, vous serez dominés par des hêtres pluri-centenaires et autres arbres remarquables.
Sainte Baume is located 30 km east of Marseille. Park at parking Trois Chênes and walk from there. Press P on the map for directions. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 4 km.
Français: Stationner sur le parking des Trois Chênes. Appuyez sur P sur la carte pour obtenir les directions vers le parking.
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