
Petit Lac de Clairvaux

Jura  >  France

A wetland and shallow lake with lots of reed. Open areas alternating with vegetation high and low. Besides birds also lots of insects and butterflies.

Dodane* przez Dorien Post
Ostatnia aktualizacja 18 listopada 2024
To miejsce Ptasie Miejsce nie został jeszcze oceniony. Bądź pierwszą osobą, która oceni od 1 do 5 gwiazdek


The Petit Lac de Clairvaux is one of the two lakes in Clairvaux-les-Lacs. The Petit Lac is the smaller southern lake. It is a shallow lake surrounded by reeds, marshy areas and forest. From various surrounding campsites the area is easy to visit by bike or on foot. Various paths (which do not seem to be maintained very active) that lead through open plains, along reed beds, forest and water. Dry and with pebbles, sometimes also wet and muddy. Birds that can be seen or heard include kania ruda, rokitniczka and kukułka. Also many types of insects and butterflies.



Petit Lac de Clairvaux is located directly south of the town of Clairvaux-les-Lacs. You can enter the area from several sides. The circular route shown on the map is approximately 4 km.

Teren i siedlisko

Las , Równina , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Jezioro , Trzcinowiska


Pagórkowaty , Piaszczysty , Bagienny , Otwarty krajobraz

Trasa dookoła


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Droga nieutwardzona , Wąski szlak , Szeroka ścieżka

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Rower

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