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Shallow water body surrounded by dense vegetation cover and patches of woodland. Visible kinds of birds highly variable, depending on the water level.
In spring, water level can be high especially if the river Marne has overflowed during winter. Typical species at this time of year then include cyranka and rożeniec which can easily hide into the dense vegetation. Several pairs of kląskawka and potrzos breed in the marsh and later in season it's also the case for łozówka. Even if water level is generally to high for waders on the main water body at this time of year, the adjacent flooded agricultural fields can host good numbers of them including some very rare in the Paris region such as the biegus mały.
In August-October water levels drop and waders, for example łęczak, are then visible on the main water body. In August-September a migrant rybołów is often perched on one of the electric pylons.
You can park near the fence at the entry of the path. Note that there is not a lot of space. The area is best explored by walking.
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