
Falaises de Pen Men

Bretagne  >  France

The western point of the island of Groix. A scenic place with some interresting coastal moors and cliffs.

Dodane* przez pierre rietvelt
Ostatnia aktualizacja 31 marca 2022
To miejsce Ptasie Miejsce nie został jeszcze oceniony. Bądź pierwszą osobą, która oceni od 1 do 5 gwiazdek


The cliffs and the open landscapes on the top of them of the Falaises de Pen Men are quite good for a various range of species. The cliffs are a nesting site for seabirds like fulmar, kormoran czubaty, mewa siodłata but also provide good conditions for kruk, sokół wędrowny for example. It can be worthy to look for passerines in the moorlands of the place. There is always something to observe : from the most open areas close to the edge of the cliff which are the territory of the białorzytka, the świergotek nadmorski or kopciuszek to the thickest moors with gorse where you can observe the pokrzewka kasztanowata.



There are several ferries per day from Lorient to cross the channel to the island of Groix (see link below). From there walking is an option (5km from Port Tudy to Pen Men), but it's also possible to rent a bike or to travel by car. There is a car park nearby the lighthouse of Pen Men.

Teren i siedlisko

Wrzosowisko , Kanion/klif , Morze , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy


Otwarty krajobraz , Brak cienia , Skalisty , Ślisko , Pagórkowaty

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Lato , Wiosna , Jesień

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Wiosna , Lato


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Średnio wymagający spacer


Pieszo , Łódź

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