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Protected alluvial forest at the mouth of the river Seille and along the river Saône.
Bois de Maillance, near the village of La Truchère, is one of the last areas of the alluvial forest that stretched along the Saône, This natura 2000 area is located at the mouth of the river Seille and along the river Saône. kania czarna and bocian biały breed in the wood. In the meadows bordering the forest and in the hedges near the pond you can find pokląskwa, czapla nadobna, czapla biała, czapla złotawa. Circling in the air myszołów and kania ruda can be seen.
Français: Le bois de Maillancé est situé dans au confluent de la Seille et de la Saône. Il constitue l'un des derniers vestiges de la forêt alluviale qui s'étendait le long de la Saône.
From la Truchère take the road Promenade du Barrage to the Corme Vachon. You can park along the road at the forest and explore the area on foot.
Français: De la Truchère prendre la route Promenade du Barrage jusqu'au Corme Vachon. Vous pouvez vous garer le long de la route dans la forêt et explorer la forêt à pied.
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