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Area of bog, islands and islets and a rich birdlife in the middle of the suburbs of Copenhagen.
Sømosen is situated west of the suburb of Herlev, next to Lautrupparken. The green area, of which one third is a park with grass and scattered bushes, is neighbour to many large institutions and popular for a short walk in the open air. The bog itself was formed in a hollow after the last Ice Age. It is drained by the stream of Sømose Å. The bog was previously very overgrown, but during the 1980’s the municipality of Ballerup carried out an extensive re-establishment project, opening up large stretches of water and recreating islands and islets where birds can breed without being disturbed. Sømosen has developed into a little oasis with a rich birdlife. In addition to the large colony of śmieszka, three species of grebe breed here ( perkozek, perkoz dwuczuby and perkoz rdzawoszyi), together with many waterfowl. Waders include czajka and sieweczka rzeczna. rybitwa rzeczna breed here and can be seen foraging throughout the summer. Passerines include kukułka, słowik szary and many warblers. The biggest attraction for birdwatchers is probably breeding remiz. However, the tits have unfortunately not nested here the last few years, although they can sometimes be spotted in the area in spring.
Sømosen is also an excellent locality for migrating and staging birds both spring and autumn. Geese, ducks ( cyranka , cyraneczka , rożeniec , świstun , krakwa and Płaskonos ) can be observed. Raptors include a fair number of myszołów and smaller numbers of Trzmielojad, together with infrequent visitors such as kania ruda, myszołów włochaty, bielik, błotniak zbożowy, błotniak stawowy, rybołów (often seen foraging) – and with some luck drzemlik and sokół wędrowny. bąk has been observed on a few occasions. If there are easterly winds flocks of żuraw may appear. Many waders ( ostrygojad , czajka , sieweczka rzeczna , kwokacz , samotnik , łęczak , brodziec piskliwy, kszyk og af og til słonka ).
In addition, mewa żółtonoga and mewa siodłata and even rybitwa wielkodzioba are occasionally seen. Also sparrows, a lot of larks, pipers, wagtails, swallows, thrushes and finches rest and pull in and over the bog. wąsatka is seen occasionally. pleszka , pokląskwa, białorzytka, muchołówka szara, muchołówka żałobna, gąsiorek and czeczotka and czeczotka brazowa are seen regularly. trzciniak has visited the bog for a single year.
In the winter months many wildfowl can be seen and visitors from northern Scandinavia may turn up: łabędź krzykliwy, ges zbozowa and bernikla kanadyjska. In periods of frost, one may be lucky enough to see wodnik (zwyczajny) foraging at close range in Sømose Å or even a bekasik. In some years there can be invasions of kwiczoł, droździk or jemiołuszka, and many colourful finches.
If using public transport, Sømosen is most easily reached from Copenhagen by taking bus 350S and getting off at Københavns Teknikum (the Copenhagen University College of Engineering) in Ballerup. One can also take the local 167/168 bus from Herlev Station (get off at Herlev Stadium and walk down Rørløkken to Sømosen). If coming by car, it is possible to park on Vingekrogen. There is a bird observation tower in the south-east corner of the bog, and in the north-east corner is a jetty which is very useful as a look-out post.
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