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Inland lake with seasonal high water levels and muddy banks combined with reed and some permanent grass. Great for waterbirds, gulls and terns.
Nørresø is one of the best places for birding in the region and always worth a look. With the general low depth of water, and grassy and muddy banks, the area attracts a variety of waterbirds, herons, gulls, terns and a range of smaller birds, the diversity is always high.
In the winter, ducks and herons are numerous and the surrounding area also brings good observations. In the spring, the water level decreases and the area transforms into a combination of lake and muddy banks, and on good days many species of waders can be observed along with rybitwa czarna and podróżniczek. In the summertime, all is quiet, but it does not stay still for very long before the migration of waders starts again. The best time to visit is in the late summer, where the water level is at its lowest and most of the lake has turned into muddy and sandy banks, some year only with the stream passing through. On good days, the area is an eldorado of waders, ducks and gulls. The area is also know for rare vagrants such as brodziec żółtonogi, biegus arktyczny, szczudłak, rybitwa białowąsa and strumieniówka.
The area can be accessed by three main points. From the west, park at the picnic area "Møllehus" and head east on the dike. From the north, park at the sewage treatment plant at the end of "Hartmannsvej" and climb the dike. From the south, parking is limited, but you may climb the dike from the small village "Ubjerg". The route displayed on the map is about 5 km.
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