
Kølsen-Skals Engsø

Midtjylland  >  Denmark

Nature trail along Skals Å stream through a beautiful wetland area near Hjarbæk Fjord.

Dodane* przez Christian Bøggild
Ostatnia aktualizacja 12 kwietnia 2021


Beautiful nature trail of 2,5 km along wet meadows, reedbeds and wetland on the dam along Skals Å near Hjarbæk Fjord. The lower part of Skals Å stream is part of an international nature conservation area under the Natura 2000 project and is both a bird protection area and an EU habitat area. A good area to see meadow birds, ducks, geese, waders and other waterbirds. Among the birds you can see are błotniak stawowy, rybołów, podróżniczek, wąsatka, szablodziób, ostrygojad and potrzos.



Take the road from Viborg to Skals and park about 1 km before you reach Skals on the left side of the road and walk from there. Or park on the west side of the area. Click on a P in the map to get directions. You can make a circular walk of 7 km or only do the trail along the Skals Å stream (2,5 km one way).

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