
Gentofte Sø & Brobæk Mose

Københavnsområdet  >  Denmark

A fascinating nature area with many habitat types and bird species, only eight km from the center of Copenhagen and close to a busy motorway.

Dodane* przez Frank Desting
Ostatnia aktualizacja 18 sierpnia 2021


Lake Gentofte Sø (on almost 27 ha) and the bog of Brobæk Mose (Insulinmosen) together cover 53 ha and are the largest contiguous wetland in Gentofte Municipality. Originally the lake was in use for commercial fishing, and examples of the old fishing houses can still be seen at the lake shore. Today it is more like a park lake with several reed islands in the western part. On the east bank is Folkeparken with many old trees. To the area belongs the small lake Langkær, which lies between the lake and Gentofte Church to the east. Brobæk Mose west of the lake was previously known as Insulinmosen, as it was owned by Nordic Insulin Laboratory. The natural forest in the bog is left untouched, allowing the natural development of new growth as well as old felled trees are preserved. Efforts are made to preserve the open areas south of the bog (Gentofte Enge), where many rare plants occur. The entire nature area except for Folkeparken is an EU protected area. 14 ha (the northern half of Folkeparken and the northern part of Brobæk Mose) are also protected.

The above description has been made by caretaker Thomas Vikstrøm and Joy Klein (DOF/BirdLife Danmark). The description of bird life below is written by Frank Desting.

The area has a rich bird life both in terms of breeding birds and migratory birds in as well as summer and winter guests. Of breeding birds by the lake can be mentioned perkoz dwuczuby, łabędź niemy, gęgawa , krzyżówka, głowienka, czernica, kokoszka (zwyczajna), łyska, czajka, wąsatka, pełzacz ogrodowy, pleszka, trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), łozówka, piegża, cierniówka, szpak, dzwoniec and potrzos. In the bog krogulec, myszołów, kukułka, dzięcioł duży, sójka, sikora uboga, kowalik, raniuszek zwyczajny, pełzacz leśny, pełzacz ogrodowy, śpiewak, słowik szary , kapturka, gajówka, piecuszek, pierwiosnek, grubodziób, szczygieł, gil and zięba.

Summer guests include mewa żółtonoga, rybitwa wielkodzioba, rybitwa czubata and rybitwa rzeczna are seen on a regular basis. In winter, especially during frost periods, Brobæk Mose (Brobækken) is known for freely exposed foraging wodnik (zwyczajny) in the spring of the bog, in addition can which occasionally słonka and pliszka górska are seen. bąk and puszczyk zwyczajny are also observed in the area. jastrząb can also be seen hunting in the area occasionally, and flocks of jemiołuszka can also be seen in the winter months. On the lake are often seen łabędź krzykliwy, various ducks, including both nurogęś and also bielaczek now and then.

During the migration season many exciting bird species are seen, both resting and migrating over the area, this applies to, for example czapla biała and various geese and ducks. A beautiful hełmiatka male has also 'consulted' the lake on and off in recent years.

There is also a nice bird of prey migration over the area with many myszołów, Trzmielojad, occasionally spiced up withmyszołów włochaty, kania ruda, kania czarna, bielik, sokół wędrowny, błotniak stawowy, błotniak zbożowy, rybołów (often foraging!) - and kobuz, drzemlik and even kobczyk! Large flocks of żuraw are seen migrating over the area every year, especially in east wind. Wading birds are not seen many of which lack some open wading surfaces where the birds can forage, but some brodziec piskliwy, samotnik, kszyk can be seen regularly. Furthermore, a flock of siewnica is noted pulling over the lake. kruk is regular. zimorodek is regular, both in the bog and along the lake and pluszcz is also noted a few times.

Many different birdspecies pass the area during the migration season, various larks, pipits and various finches - and there are the occasional pokląskwa, białorzytka, muchołówka szara and muchołówka żałobna as well as mysikrólik in the migration season. It can also be mentioned that gąsiorek and srokosz are also listed in the area. A big sensation was when on 10/11 2019 I found a new species for the country in Folkeparken by Gentofte Lake, namely mucholówka rdzawogardla! More about this find can be read in 'BIRD YEAR 2019' published by DOF/BirdLife Danmark.



The nearest S-train station is at Gentofte. From here, there is a walk of about 500 meters to the northern end of the locality. Bus 184 (which runs between Nørreport Station and Holte Station) stops at Sønderbakken, Søbredden and Brogårdsvej, right up to Gentofte Sø & Brobæk Mose. Buses 171, 176 and 179 also run past Brogårdsvej at the north end of the lake. If you come by car, you can park on one of the roads around the lake. There are toilets next to the jetty on the south-east bank of the lake. A 5 km long path leads all the way round the lake and through Brobæk Mose.

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