
Rusenski Lom

Ruse  >  Bulgaria

Area of rocky gorges around the river Lom. Surrounding woods and arable fields. Cultural interest as well: rock-hewn churches is also a central birding spot.

Dodane* przez Michail Sobadjiew
Ostatnia aktualizacja 14 sierpnia 2024


Rusenski Lom is a very quiet place, 14 km south of the town of Ruse. Approaching the river Lom, which flows in a natural way, gives you the pleasant change of landscape, beginning with arable fields, long grass areas with scattered trees, some woods and finally the rocky gorges. The valley itself, accessible at some points, is grassy, again with scattered bushes and trees. Some of the birds of interest are ścierwnik , bocian czarny , orlik krzykliwy , kurhannik and puchacz. They are not abundant, but regularly seen.



Rusenski Lom is located 14 km south of the town of Ruse. By car, from Ruse, take the main road number 5 southbound, going left after 14 km to Ivanovo. In this little typical Bulgarian village, go left an then right (Rock hewn churches are indicated). This small road, offering birding potential (ortolan), leads to a parking place at its end after 4 km. From there, the only option is to go further on foot. A small walk uphill offers good views. By train is possible, from the village of Ivanovo. It is a long walk, but the area as such is quite interesting.

Teren i siedlisko

Las , Kanion/klif , Rzeka , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Dolina


Pagórkowaty , Skalisty , Suchy , Otwarty krajobraz

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