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Lake that is easy accessible from to the city of Sofia and offers some good birding.
Lake Pancharevo is an artificial lake 12 km southeast of the capital city of Sofia. It is 3 km long and up to 700 m wide, reaching a depth of 30 m. The villages of Pancharevo and Kokalyane and the Pancharevo mineral springs lies on the lake's western shore, while at the southern end of the lake there is a hydroelectric power station. Sports centres and catering establishments have been constructed around the lake, making it a favoured outing location for the residents of Sofia. In Pancharevo you can walk and enjoy birds close to the big city. Best area for birding is the southern side of the lake and around the fish ponds also located in that area. Among the birds you can see in the area are cyranka, cyraneczka, Płaskonos, bocian biały, zimorodek, perkozek, pluszcz, siwerniak, pliszka górska, sikora uboga, dzięcioł białoszyi and dzięcioł zielony.
Around the lake there are hiking trails, several park areas with coffee shops and restaurants. Most birds can be found at the southern end of the lake and around the fishponds.
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