Rate birdingplace Lake near Radovets Hospital
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Large unfished lake in an area with grasslands, deciduous and coniferous forest.
Great area for birdwatching as it covers many terrains. The lake is also very private with no anglers. I use this area a lot for photography. There are a few electric fences that need to be crossed. Some are simple, whilst some require a crawl underneath. Among the birds you can encounter are bączek, perkozek, zimorodek, mysikrólik, zniczek, grubodziób,, cierlik, trznadel, błotniak stawowy, dzięcioł średni, dzięcioł duży, dzięcioł białoszyi, dzięcioł zielony, dzięciołek, dzierzba bialoczelna, sikora żałobna and sosnówka.
Park behind the local Hospital in the woodland. Explore this area and continue on to the Lake, etc.