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Hypersaline coastal lagoon used as salinas. Very rich bird composition. Typical bottle-neck site with the most intensive passage of soaring birds in Bulgaria.
Open hypersaline shallow lake with many ditches - a coastal lagoon, most of the territory of which is used for salt production in a traditional way. This provides excellent conditions for large numbers of birds with specific habitat requirements. The pools with salt water of different degree of salinity are surrounded by a fresh-water canal and some fresh or brackish water small marshes covered with rich vegetation of different types. Dry pastures, wet meadows and agricultural fields exist around the northern part of the lake, and the sea shore and urban area surround its southern and southeastern parts.
More than 320 species of birds have been recorded in the area. The lake is one of the few in Bulgaria, where it is possible to observe so many species at one site. Amongst them during the breeding season are szablodziób, żwirowiec łąkowy, mewa cienkodzioba, rybitwa krótkodzioba, świergotek polny , remiz, bączek and other. This is the site where flaming różowy can be seen all year round. The area is one of the best for birding in spring and autumn time in Bulgaria. One of the best sites to see the biegus płaskodzioby. Almost all European species of grebes, ducks, birds of prey together with both species of pelicans and storks pass every season through the site. Biggest autumn numbers of orlik krzykliwy, kobczyk and other such species are recorded there.
As the salinas are a private property and in addition, all the lake is surrounded by a 6-meters wide channel, the access is possible form several points only. During all the parts of the year the easiest place is the bank of the lake next to the petrol station at the round-about on the exit to the Burgas Airport. The place is good in afternoon when the light is behind and the pelikan kędzierzawy come for roosting. During the autumn migration the best place is 'The Point' in the South-Eastern part of the Northern part of the lake (access possible). Best and up-to-date infromation about these and other birding points around the lake you can obtain from the BSPB - BirdLife Bulgaria Poda Centre (see Poda Reserve birding site).
Birdwatching hide and platform near the round-about to Burgas Airport is managed by the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water and can be open under request.
Entering your records into the free mobile application SmartBirds Pro you will help Nature conservation in Bulgaria.
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