
Averbode Bos en Heide

Flanders  >  Belgium

Former production pine forest (re)turned into the original moorland. Fens, old beech wood remnants, some remaining pine forest, land dunes and lots of heath.

Dodane* przez Guy Janssens
Ostatnia aktualizacja 18 czerwca 2024


600 Hectares of nature reserve in a 1000 Hectares nature complex. The area is easily accesible and has a wide variation of natural habitats.

The larger fens attract migrating waders and waterfowl, krwawodziób, kwokacz and biegus zmienny to name a few. Several pairs of lelek breed on the moors, krętogłów and białorzytka pass by on their migration. In the forest areas dzięcioł czarny and dzięcioł średni can be seen together with the more common woodpeckers. A few pairs of muchołówka żałobna still breed here. Birds of prey such as sokół wędrowny, kobuz, jastrząb and Trzmielojad breed in or around the area. Recently a pair of kruk was added to the list of birds breeding in the area.

During the autumn migration the migration counting station is manned almost daily throughout September and October and vistors are always welcome to admire the spectacle of thousands of finches, pipits, trushes and, on good days, tens to sometimes a few hundred myszołów passing on their way south. Even rarities such as bielik and orlik grubodzioby have passed over the counting station in recent years.

During autumn and winter jer and krzyżodziób świerkowy are quite common guests. srokosz passes by but is not a regular guest.



There are 2 main parking spots, one is on Herseltsebaan 2, 3271 Scherpenheuvel-Zichem, close to the Abbey of Averbode. The other is on 22R5+CF Tessenderlo (Google Maps Pluscode).

The area is best explored on foot, there are a multitude of hiking trails laid out and clearly marked.

Teren i siedlisko

Wrzosowisko , Las


Płaski , Pagórkowaty , Piaszczysty

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Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?

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Jesień , Wiosna

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Jesienne migracje , Wiosna


Droga nieutwardzona , Wąski szlak

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Rower

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Dodatkowe informacje

The largest Fen is called the "Munninckxsgoor", close tot he parking spot on 22R5+CF Tessenderlo, and it has a bird watching hide. A telescope is usefull, The fen has hosted warzęcha, bocian czarny, czapla biała during summer and autumn migration. In the winter months several duck species can be observed.


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