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Being one of the largest cemeteries in Europe Vienna Central Cemetary offers a variety of habitats and good possibilities for urban birdwatching.
Founded more than 150 years ago with many old trees the Wiener Zentralfriedhof offers good habitat for species like dzięcioł zielony, dzięcioł czarny, dzięcioł średni but also passerines like wilga (zwyczajna), zaganiacz, pełzacz ogrodowy and muchołówka szara. Rare or occasional breeders include krogulec, siniak and even dudek.
In winter coniferous trees attract sosnówka, mysikrólik and czyż whereas the many mistles offer winter food for paszkot and in some years jemiołuszka. Large open spaces especially in the southern and eastern part are worth checking for migrants like pokląskwa and gąsiorek which may also breed in some years. The cemetary is also famous for its hamster population which can be observed very closely.
The Wiener Zentralfriedhof can be easily reached by public transport. There are several gates to enter. The Zentralfriedhof is a 20-minute tram ride from the edge of the city centre. The S7 city train service (which goes out to the airport) stops at the Zentralfriedhof station. Tram: take line 71 or 11 to Zentralfriedhof 2.Tor. The 71 leaves from several central stops, such as Schottentor, Ring/Volkstheater, Oper/Karlsplatz or Schwarzenbergplatz. You can pick up the 11 (or 71) from the Simmering subway station, which is the end station of the U3 line that runs through the city centre. Also there are many parking areas around the cemetary. Click on a P in the map for directions to a parking.
Check homepage of Vienna cemetaries for opening hours.
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