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The Weidmoos was declared an EU bird sanctuary in 2001. The nature reserve consists of an abandoned peat extraction area of about 135 hectares.
The Weidmoos was originally an extensive raised bog. For many decades, peat was extracted here on an industrial level. After abandonment, the Weidmoos developed into a bird habitat of European significance. Over 150 species of bird have been identified so far. The podróżniczek is often to be seen at the Weidmoos, whilst błotniak stawowy preys over the extensive reeded areas, and rare waders and waterfowl such as kszyk and kropiatka are breeding here. łęczak, batalion, czapla purpurowa and other migrating birds use the Weidmoos as an important stopover site.
The area is easily accessible by car. Free parking at the entrance to the nature reserve. The area is also reachable by train via the Salzburger Lokalbahn. From the train station Lamprechtshausen, it takes an additional 20 minutes by bike or about 1 hour by foot. From the parking the circular walk is about 1,8 km long.
The nature reserve is accessible by wheelchair and offers a wheelchair friendly observation platform. The observation tower and the hide are not accessible by wheelchair. There´s a built-in spotting scope at the observation tower for free use.
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