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The 12-hectare flood retention basin of Roseldorf is a highly structured wet habitat, which supports a surprisingly high bird diversity.
Built in 2004, the retention basin undergoes an ongoing succession and change of habitat types. After loosing it's open character through the establishment of willow, alder and reed stands, it is now a very diverse, mostly flooded area of open water, reed beds and young alluvial forest. The construction activity of Eurasian Beavers alters the landscape regularly and creates more open habitats, where the beaver fells the young trees.
The basin holds significant numbers of different warbler species such as rokitniczka, trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), trzciniak, łozówka, świerszczak and brzęczka and also kląskawka and błotniak stawowy. Breeding has been documented for bączek and ślepowron. bażant, kuropatwa, wodnik (zwyczajny), turkawka and potrzos are regular or abundant breeding birds. Big flocks of szpak use the reed beds for roosting at night, so by the end of May, it is worth to check them for pasterz. dymówka also sleeps communally in the reed and attacks of krogulec and kobuz can be seen regularly at dusk.
Overflying birds of prey, which can be seen quite regularly, include orzeł cesarski, bielik, raróg and błotniak łąkowy. On migration, the area provides roosting habitat for bigger numbers of songbird migrants and surely has potential to produce rarity sightings as well. pliszka cytrynowa has already been recorded, but the area is not covered well by birders, so most rarities surely pass unnoticed.
Winter visitors include the regular species błotniak zbożowy and myszołów włochaty, but also a record of bąk.
Access is easiest by car, but public busses service Roseldorf station which is approx. a 10 minute walk to the edge of the basin. Please follow the cirular route (2 km) and do not leave the track in order to not disturb any wildlife. It is definitely not recommended to enter the basin itself, as it is flooded in huge areas anyways. Click on the P in the map for directions.
Latest sightings can be seen on, which is also recommended for submitting your personal sightings. See the clickable link below.
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