
Sue Savage Park

Toongabbie, New South Wales  >  Australia

Small park with a pedestrian cycling/walking track but behind that there is a small hiking trail along and through the Toongabbie creek.

Dodane* przez Zac D'Agostino
Ostatnia aktualizacja 14 grudnia 2023


Sue Savage Park a pretty little area, its a bit of a busy park especially around the play equipment. But it's very seperate from the walking trails where you will be able to hear plenty of ambience provided by the various birds in the area. Along the trail there are sign boards giving information about the native species of birds and flora in the area too!

The trail splits over both sides of Toongabbie Creek which gives you a lot of angles for taking photos and getting the best light. There is great diversity in flora as well with tall gums providing perches for kookaburras, cockatoos and other locals like magpies. There are also plenty of shrubs and plants for smaller birds like wrens and finches. There's quite a few Superb Fairywren and Red-browed Finch as well the ever territorial Willie Wagtail. I've also spotted scrubwrens chilling in the leaves. The creek also gives a good home to ducks and I've also seen a cormorant on occasion but not sure on exact species. Rainbow Lorikeet also frequent the area quite often in the day too. The bird you are most likely to hear in the area is the Bell Miner. There are quite a lot of them in some parts of the trail.

Outside of the hiking trail there is a lot of grassland that a cycling trail goes through but I usually stick to the hiking trail as it provides some shade and seems to be where most of the birds hang out.

One piece of consideration to have is the water level. Parts of the trail can get covered with water if there has been heavy and recent rainfall. You can still walk on the one side of the creek however.



Sue Savage Park access is quite easy, you can easily walk to it from Toongabbie station as part of the cycling path leads from the station under the creek overpass road. There's also plenty of parking along the side of the park. Click on a P in the map for directions or coordinates.

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