
Girraween National Park - The Junction Walk

Queensland  >  Australia

A lovely place, part of Giraween National Park. A 5 km track there and back, many birds to be seen and lovely scenic views.

Dodane* przez Samuel Patti
Ostatnia aktualizacja 6 listopada 2024


Girraween National Park is an area of the Granite Belt in the Darling Downs region of Queensland. Girraween is known for its spectacular flowers, dramatic landscapes and wildlife. The national park features granite landscapes, balancing boulders, clear streams, wetlands, cascades and open forest. The granite outcroppings dominate the local scenery. The park contains many kilometres of walking trails. The Junction Walk is an easy ramble along a creek dotted with rock pools, where springtime wildflowers and a spectacular range of birdlife abound.

Among the birds you can encounter along the track are Chestnut-rumped Heathwren (Halfway up track, in heathy area), Satin Bowerbird, Eastern Spinebill, Spotted Quail-thrush, Yellow-tufted Honeyeater, White-eared Honeyeater, Mistletoebird, Superb Lyrebird, Brown Quail, Common Bronzewing, Wonga Pigeon, Varied Sittella and Grey Fantail. Many other birds are seen here.



Girraween National Park is located on the Queensland–New South Wales border, 260 km south-west of Brisbane, halfway between Stanthorpe and Tenterfield. The national park can be easily accessed by car to the main carpark. Then, you can take the Junction track (very well signposted), which is 2.5 km one way and then back along the same track. The track must be on foot. The area is located near Stanthorpe (QLD), about half an hour away. A day is preferred, but if you can walk fast, a little less.

Teren i siedlisko

Las , Góry , Rzeka , Wrzosowisko , Łąka , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy


Pagórkowaty , Skalisty , Suchy , Otwarty krajobraz , Piaszczysty , Górzysty

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Dodatkowe informacje

I personally adore this birding place, with many others. There are very rare birds, often spontaneous, and is much love.


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