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Lake with sparsely vegetated surroundings and surrounded by roads. The lake itself is not pretty, but home to a nice diversity of birds.
Reserva Natural Urbana Bahía Encerrada is not a place to immerse yourself in nature, this is an urban and port site. But it is a perfect place to observe ducks, waders, gulls, terns and other coastal birds. Sometimes even the rare Magellanic Penguin ventures near the port. In addition to the lake itself, there are on the coast (port and quay side), waders and sometimes pelagic birds (young Southern Giant-Petrel are sometimes visible near sewer drains).
Reserva Natural Urbana Bahía Encerrada is located close to the city center of Ushuaia. The path which allowed parking between the sea and the lake) is under construction, I do not know if it will offer parking. However, it works, possibility of going around the lake on foot or by bike (Depending on the area you will go via a paved road, a dirt road accessible to cars, or a path reserved for bicycles and pedestrians).
There are open platforms offering views of the lagoon and some info. But there is no bird hide and no shelter from rain or wind. Ducks and lapwings breed here early in the season (September to December). Be vigilant, there may be nests or chicks on the ground.
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