
Macta Marsh

Ouest  >  Algeria

Marais de la Macta is a very important wetland in Algeria where many special birds can be seen.

Dodane* przez MEHADJI
Ostatnia aktualizacja 8 grudnia 2020
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Marais de la Macta (Macda Marsh) is a triangular depression separated from the Gulf of Arzew near Oran by a dune cordon. A complex of open water, marsh and more or less humid steppe some nine miles inland, supplied by three permanent wadis. This kind of wetland is rare in North Africa in the diversity of habitats it contains. Most notably the salt marshes which recall the Camargue in France. Macta Marsh is nesting ground for birds such as marmurka, trzciniak, błotniak łąkowy, błotniak stawowy, bocian biały, czapla złotawa and kazarka rdzawa. Many other birds you can see here, see the birdlist below.



It is a big area, so you need a car to explore the surroundings of the marsh. You can drive along the western side of the marsh by following the road to Djefafla and make stops along the way from there or you can drive along the eastern side of the marsh where the road gets closer to the marsh in the northern part.

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