Rate birdingplace Cabo de Trafalgar
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A sandy cape and lighthouse make a good viewingpoint for seabirds and passerine migration.
This cape juts out into the Atlantic just enough to make it a good spot for seawatching particularly with onshore winds and in the morning when the sun is behind you. Expect Havsule, Gulnebblire, Balearlire , Storjo and hope for something rarer. The shallow inter-tidal pools often have Hvitbrystlo, Middelhavsmåke and Svartehavsmåke. The pines and low scrub attract migrants (e.g. Hærfugl, Svarthvit Fluesnapper, etc. In late autumn visual migration can be spectacular with large numbers of hirundines, larks, finches, etc (but be aware that this is also a season loved by local bird trappers).
Easily reached from Vejer de la Frontera via the A-2230 & A-2233. The cape is signposted off the latter road.