
Tregantle Beach

Cornwall  >  United Kingdom

Area characterised by high cliffs, dramatic scenery, and long stretches of sandy beaches. On the high cliffs there are areas of coastal grazing and scrub land.

Geplaatst* door Natasha
Meest recente update 10 maart 2023


Tregantle Beach is an iconic spot for sea birds such as the Aalscholver, Noordse Stormvogel, gulls, and Jan-van-gent. The sea cliffs and grazing areas provide great habitat for Buizerd, Torenvalk, and Slechtvalk. The shrub area and grassland on the walk down to the beach also provides interest for Cirlgors, Zanglijster, Boompieper, Sprinkhaanzanger, Goudvink, Kneu and Veldleeuwerik.



Tregantle beach is a fine sandy beach on Whitsand Bay in south-east Cornwall. You can drive or bus your way there service, numbers 70,70A and 70B. There is a medium size pay and display car park about 25Yrds from the lane entrance. The occasional coffee van parked up in the layby near the entrance. Entering the site through the main gate you have a small walk down to the beach on the left and another coastal route leading up to the right. Walking down to the beach you pass the scrubbed area and cliff tops.

Terrein en leefgebied

Grasland/weide , Zee , Strand , Kloof/klif , Landbouw , Verspreide bomen en struiken


Heuvelachtig , Zanderig

Rondlopende wandeling mogelijk?


Telescoop meenemen?

Kan handig zijn

Wanneer hier vogels kijken?

Het hele jaar

Toptijd voor dit gebied

Winter , Herfst , Lente


Smal pad

Zwaarte wandeling


Toegankelijk via

Te voet

Vogelkijkhut aanwezig?


Extra info

Best time to visit is during off peak season to avoid the tourists on the beach. The walk back up to the car park is steep and this site isn't suitable for people with mobility issues.

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