
Thornton Reservoir

Leicestershire  >  United Kingdom

Thornton Reservoir lies to the east of the village of Thornton and has a gravel path that allows visitors to walk around the reservoir, a distance of 2.7 miles.

Geplaatst* door LeicsBirder
Meest recente update 24 april 2022


The attraction of this route is that it takes the visitor through several areas of varying habitats. These include mixed woodland, permanent pasture and arable farmland. The reservoir has two small inflow streams and these areas have willows and reed fringe banks. The main body of the reservoir is always worth checking, as is the rocky dam. Thornton Reservoir is a trout fishery, with both bank fishing and boat anglers. The season runs from February to November and this obviously causes some disturbance. The reservoir has also become very popular with walkers, dog walkers, joggers and cyclists. All these activities can impact on the birding experience and likely busy times are best avoided.

A short visit can be productive as most of the reservoir is viewable from the main car park. Common species of water birds can be seen, including geese, duck, and grebes. A longer visit, involving a walk around the reservoir can present a wide range of farm and woodland species. This makes Thornton a suitable site for the novice.

In winter with less disturbance from anglers a small gull roost can develop. All of the five common gull species can be seen and Zwartkopmeeuw is annual. Wildfowl numbers can be variable. In recent years flocks of Grote Canadese Gans and Grauwe Gans have taken to grazing the surrounding pasture and resting on the reservoir. Brandgans, Kleine Rietgans and Nijlgans have all been seen associating with these commoner species. Rarer ducks that are worth checking for include Brilduiker, Topper, Nonnetje and Grote Zaagbek. Alder trees are found at both inflows and these regularly have small flocks of Sijs and Kleine Barmsijs. Finch flocks have been increasing in recent years as stubble is often left until the spring. Although mainly Vink, Geelgors and occasional Keep are also seen.

Spring passage can produce some variety. Oeverloper are regular on the dam, and the pasture along the east bank is worth checking for Gele Kwikstaart, Tapuit and Beflijster. Two tern rafts were installed by LROS and Visdief has bred. Both Noordse Stern and Zwarte Stern are seen on passage. Dwergmeeuw and Drieteenmeeuw can occasionally be encountered. In summer the common warblers breed, although Kleine Karekiet, Rietzanger and Sprinkhaanzanger are now less frequent. Grote Gele Kwikstaart is a regular breeder and family groups can be seen in the spillway. Common raptors such as Buizerd, Sperwer and Torenvalk can give great views, and Boomvalk, Rode Wouw and Visarend are now more regular.

Unless water levels are low there is little wader passage at Thornton. However, the dam is always worth checking and has yielded Kluut, Bokje, Regenwulp and Kanoet in recent years. Autumnal storms can deliver surprises, and Vaal Stormvogeltje, Jan-van-gent and Witvleugelstern have been recorded. Waterral is often encountered at the Markfield inflow and the single Porseleinhoen record was in this area.

With past records of Woudaap, Grauwe Kiekendief, Reuzenstern and Griel, Thornton has produced some good county rarities. More recently Witoogeend, Kwak, IJseend, Koereiger and Lepelaar have been added. Grey-headed Wagtail, a Leicestershire first and Roodmus, a Leicestershire and Rutland first, have also been recorded.



Thornton Reservoir lies to the east of the village of Thornton. The main car park is located at SK470074. A gravel path allows visitors to walk around the reservoir, a distance of 2.7 miles. Click on the P in the map to get directions.

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