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This is a coastal walk along the North Sea. It is part of a long distance coastal path called the England Coast Path and the Durham Heritage Coast Footpath.
The Seaham Coast has four sections of coastal scenery. The first section has a long beach with a sea wall where you will see Eider, Kokmeeuw and Visdief. The second section is urban along cliff tops and downhill into the working Seaham Harbour where there is a variety of gulls, Drieteenmeeuw, Steenloper, Tureluur and Scholekster. The third section is along blast beach where industrial waste was dumped from old coastal coal mines and the film Alien 3 was filmed here. On this beach area there are Noordse Stormvogel, Kneu, Veldleeuwerik, Torenvalk, Rietgors and a variety of finches The fourth section was a coastal dene at Hawthorn Dene with Zwarte Zee-eend, Jan-van-gent and gulls to be observed. Parts of the walk are managed by the National Trust. The coastal railway is found to the south of Seaham Harbour. Be aware there are cliffs and you need to stay on the footpaths that are clearly marked.
The area is accesses via the A19 trunk road. There are car parks along the northern and central parts of the walk. People can walk the whole route along well marked and maintained footpaths. There are some steep well maintained paths down to the coast.
This is a walk along a coastal footpath with a large variety of birds both marine and inland species. I would suggest using an O S map and follow marked paths. Some sections have a choice between between cliff walks and beach walks. The walk distance is 12 km but can be walked in shorter sections. On the walk there are beach sculptures and a railway arch across the dene on Hawthorn Beach. You will pass metal sculptures on walk remembering coal mining and the World Wars. The Drieteenmeeuw nest on the coast cliff walls and on old industrial workings by the marina and working harbour.
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